Lower Zambezi National Park

Old Mondoro


Where elephants roam

With no fences anywhere in camp, Old Mondoro is a true bush camp. The wild animals that live here – waterbuck, baboons, buffalo and elephant – occupy the space just as much as the camp and guests do.

There are just five chalets built of wood, canvas and reeds, one of which has two bedrooms. Simple but more than comfortable with enormous beds, they enjoy views out to the Zambezi or over the tributary that meanders through the camp. An outdoor bath doubles as a plunge pool and occasional elephant drinking hole, with an open-air shower to revel under the stars each night.

An open-sided dining area sits beside the river over hippo pods to Zimbabwe on the far bank. With the concept of providing an unedited ‘back to the bush’ safari and highly experienced guides, the experience here is all about the wilderness.


At a glance

  • Five chalets

  • Plunge pools

  • Dining area

  • Open May to November

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  • Old Mondoro12

    Game drives

    Head out into the park in openside 4x4 in search of its iconic African wildlife. Usually departing in the early morning and late afternoon when its cooler and the animals are more active. You can also head out on night drives in search of nocturnal species.

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    Bush walks

    An armed ranger and experienced guide will guide you through the wilderness on foot, interpreting spoor, identifying the various flora and fauna, and highlighting conservation issues. Elephants and buffalo are encountered on most walks and sometimes the big cats.

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    River safaris

    Old Mondoro is one of the few camps permitted to conduct waterborne safaris within the national park. Enjoy morning or afternoon cruises exploring numerous channels, viewing hippo, buffalo, elephant and prolific bird life. Sunset trips are a real highlight.

Community & Culture

The camp has a number of commitments, including to their staff who they pay above industry standard wages and upskill through training, and the local community from where they hire most of their staff and source as much produce as possible.

Old Mondoro and its sister Chiawa Camp employ more than 70 people within Zambia who, between them, support in excess of 500 individuals, and purchase from more than 100 Zambian vendors, generating well in excess of $1,000,000 per annum in business for them.


Chiawa Safaris’ main priority is to protect the biodiversity of the Lower Zambezi by providing a safe refuge sustained by responsible safari operations. When Chiawa, which was the first safari camp ever awarded tourism rights in the LZNP, opened in 1989 the Lower Zambezi National Park had no road access and no parks personnel in the area. Opening trails into the park and bringing in personnel to accompany them heralded the first conservation activity seen in the area in decades. Bush meat, rhino, elephant poaching was in full force and it took the best part of a decade to make significant victories against the poaching.

Since then, the owners have become personally engaged in intelligence gathering and strategy planning of law enforcement activity in the LZ. They constantly lobby all levels of government and private sector for improved Lower Zambezi conservation measures and more sustainable uses for the LZ.

They are thus involved in many activities over the years, supporting numerous conservation projects and being core members of the Conservation Lower Zambezi charity.


The carbon emissions of the camp, including all logistical, supply and conservation activities and even domestic flights of guests and management, have been carefully calculated and are offset through the purchase of internationally verified carbon credits through BioCarbon Partners.

Biocarbon Partners operate two forestry conservation programs in Zambia, one on the border of the Lower Zambezi National Park and one on the border of the South Luangwa National Park. Their conservation activities not only protect the forests (which mop up our carbon output) but also protect the boundaries of Zambia’s two prime National Parks from encroachment and poaching – absolutely vital interventions that are worthy of support, even if we were not receiving Carbon Credits.

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